Here are some more photos that I have taken, they are taken in all different places at different times in my life. I like them because they are a bit arty-farty.
This photo was actually taken by accident I think, in India, in a small roadside eatery probably. I nearly deleted it, but then decided I actually really liked it. I'm not entirely sure why. Just think its an interesting composition and shot. What do you think? Do you think I should have deleted it? Or do you like it too?
Many Monroes
This was taken in Bangkok, Thailand at a very famous very fabulous lady boy show in a fancy pants hotel, I can't remember its name. I think it has a similar feel to "Tease" another photo I have taken, it is in my previous photography post.
I love this photo. I have named it intoxication for two reasons, 1) the two people in it are very drunk and 2) they are also both intoxicated with lust. Later this night they were so desperate to copulate that they did so in a dormitory with 11 other people trying to sleep. After they were kicked out of the first dormitory for obvious reasons they moved into mine, where the proceeded to finish on the sleeping mat next to mine in what can only be described as a continuous bunk bed our free dorm. I woke up later that night because the man in the left of the photo had rolled on top of me in his drunken sleep whilst still stark naked. When I woke up the girl in the right of the photo, furious, she thought the situation hilarious. I (at the time) did not. Now a few years later I can see the funny side, am feel that through this little story I have got her back some what.
This photo was taken on a very drunken night on a beach in the Cam Pot region of Cambodia. The for the most part jubilant and fun however there was a dark undertone to it. The same dark undertone there is to every night out in a part of Cambodia tourist visit. Cambodia has a booming sex tourism industry, and child prostitution is rye. In the tourist/ traveler populated areas bars and beaches amongst the revelers and there are young girls, wearing lots of make up and revealing clothes hovering around the bar area or, on the arm of some vile ex-pat or American man. The thing about this scene that makes me the most angry is the fact that this foul industry is not funded by local Cambodian men, it is funded by Westerners, the majority European and American, who go to Cambodia purely for this vile trade. Those men made me sick and the thought of them still does. It made me feel ashamed to be British. How ever the plight of those young girls, was just one of the many social injustices that I witnessed on my travels across India and Asia. So many injustices, and such an over whelming feeling of helplessness as for the most part there is nothing you can do to right them.
It was however a enjoyable evening,full of drunken shenanigans, photographs and friendship forming. A night I think I will never remember, for many reasons ranging from the macabre to the comedic.
Surreal: The Open Road
On the back of a motorbike, driving through the vast flat north Cambodian landscape as the sun set. It was a moment of true beauty. This moment was so profound, so perfect in invoked feelings of ultimate freedom, the limitlessness of possibility, the awesome beauty and power of nature and the pure love that evoked in me. Love of nature, love of Cambodia, love for Katie who was driving the bike I was sitting on the back of for driving me and so enabling me to have such a perfect moment. The best thing about this moment is that it went for many moments! The road was long and stretched out ahead of us and I got to enjoy this feeling of the open road, with the vast expanse of rural Cambodian landscape lit in stunning pinks, oranges and purples for the entire length of the sunset. With the wind in my hair and the setting sun on my face I was content, marveling at the strange regularity of the landscape and pondering if the reason the country was so flat was because is the most bombed country on the earth or if it was just the natural landscape of the area. I want to travel again, but I know this time, when I leave I won’t come back. Not for many years anyway, so it is hard, I have a lot I would be leaving behind. But as this photo illustrates, I have a lot waiting for me, and SO much left to explore, experience, absorb.
I love your pictures. If a picture was worth taking in the first place, it's worth keeping! Every picture tells a story and your words just enhance the tale of your travel experiences.
ReplyDeleteIntoxication is a lovely story and you will find will get better and better as time goes on!!
There is a lot out there and I hope that you get to see and experience as much of it as is possible.
Keep the dreams alive - all things are possible if you don't get tied down in the detail!!